PRH-10TS(AGY)  G-Handy 10

・The smallest size conpact hose reel in Japan hose reel industry.
・The handle is big, so it's easy to hold and use.
・It can pull out the hose as much as you want Therefore, so it's easy to organize after use.
・It can distribute the nozzle hose and connector hose as many as you want.
・Nozzle is compact size,It can change the shape of the water by turning the nozzle edge.
・It can store hoses and nozzles in the back of the main body, so you can organize them neatly.
・It can be hung on the hook, so it's convenient to store.
・It is a soft hose that is easy to use.

  • Size/ W21×D11.5×H23.5cm
  • hose/ inner diameter 7.5mm soft hose 10m
  • Net Weight/ 1kg 
  • Color/ Ash Grey
  • Material/Main body:PP, Hose/ Soft PVC
  • 6PCS/ CTN
  • Gross size/ W69×Ⅾ22.1×H24.8cm
  • Gross weight/ 8.2kg
  • EAN/ 4971715 126339
  • Made in Japan